Sunday, February 7, 2010

nangis gue pas tante vivi cerita something tentang papa
emang sih selama ini gue sama papa gak deket
gue bukan anak yang baik
gue janji bakal dapetin nem yang bagus
gue gak bakal ngecewain lo pa
cukup sampai disini gue ngecewain lo
i love you pa :')

Papa, terima kasih untuk segala bisikan dan pelukan kasih papa padaku. Papa menguatkan langkahku di setiap kerapuhanku, papa menebarkan semangat dalam keputusasaanku, papa menanamkan harga diri dan keyakinan di tengah kebimbanganku.

Oh Tuhan, kasihilah papaku selalu, masukkan papaku dalam golongan orang yang beriman, terimalah amal ibadah papaku ketika di dunia, ampunilah dosa dan kesalahan papa, jauhkan papa dari siksa kubur dan api neraka dan bentangkan pintu surga untuk papaku tercinta.


Papa, kenangan bersamamu tak kan hilang dimakan waktu. Aku cinta papa aku sayang papa dan....aku kangeeennnn.....bangetz sama papa....seperti hari ini......

Daddy please
(Little Girl Crying)
You're My Good Girl...

Once upon a time there was a girl
In her early years she had to learn
How to grow up living in a war that she called home
Never noticed just where to turn for shelter from the storm

Hurt me to see the pain across my mother's face
Everytime my father's fist would put her in her place
Hearing all the yelling, I would cry up in my room
Hoping it would be over soon

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same
And I still remember how you kept me so afraid
The strength is my mother, for all the love she gave
Every morning that I wake, I look back at yesterday
And I'm Ok

I often wonder why I've carried all this guilt
When it's you that helped me put up all these walls I've built
Shadows stare at night through a crack in the door
The echoes of a broken child screaming please no more
Daddy don't you understand the damage you have done?
For you it's just a memory but for me it still lives on

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same
And I still remember how you kept me so, so afraid
The strength is my mother, for all the love she gave
Every morning that I wake, I look back at yesterday

It's not so easy to forget
All the marks you left along her neck
When I was thrown against cold stairs
And everyday im afraid to come home in fear of what i might
see NEXT

Bruises fade father but the pain remains the same
And I still remember how you kept me so afraid
The strength is my mother for all the love you gave
Every morning that I wake, I look back at yesterday
And I'm ok
I'm okay


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