Friday, February 5, 2010

being crazy lately

yesyesyes the tittle is sooo me, i am so being crazy lately. it's streesfull really. and the truth that i'm pretending that i'm okay was make it even worse, its frustating
it start from "him" you know what i mean lah. gue udah gatau lagi harus ngapain sama dia, bukannya gue masih "sayang" atau "suka" atau apa, tapi tolong ya lo jaga dong sikap lo
lo ga sadar ya, kalo lo gini terus gue tambah lama tambah sakit, sebelomnya gue gapernah ngomongin ini sama siapapun, like i said before, i'm just preteding that i'm okay. gaenak memang, tapi masa gue mau keliatan ancur di depan orang, nangis setiap hari, mata sembab, muka kusut? engga kan? itu kenapa geu mutusin buat nyimpen semuanya sendiri, dari hari ke hari gue "nemu" entah tau sendiri atau tau dari orang lain, intinya gue tau semua yang gue gatau selama ini, dan ya, itu semakin nambah beban gue, makin lama beban gue terus nambah dan nambah dan ya gue udah gakuat lagi, dan hari ini gue putusin buat nulis blog ini, karena gue capek, gue capek pura-pura terus, gue capek sok strong, gue capek boongin diri gue sendiri.

gue pengen lepas, gue pengen ngelepas semuanya, tapi caranya gimana? sampe sekarang aja gue masih belom lega, hati gue belom plong, ohiya blog ini bukan nyeritain tentang gue sedih karena putus ya, jadi tolong jgn mikir gue ngemis-ngemis cinta, gak gue gaakan ngemis cinta. semua kejadian ini bikin gue tau satu hal: jangan pernah percaya lebih sama cowok. karna emg semua cowok itu sama aja, bullshit, tukang boong. kalo ada cowok yg baca post ini ya maaf kalo merasa terhina, ya tapi coba deh lo semua tanyain ke diri lo masing-masing. "gue gapercaya cowok" itu yang ada dipikiran gue sebelom gue ketemu sama seorang cowok yang awalnya gue kirain dia berandal, tapi setelah gue kenal ternyata engga. dia yang ngajarin gue buat percaya lagi, kalo engga semua cowok itu sama, bullshit dan tukang bohong. yah gue percaya sama dia, sampe akhirnya waktu gue ketemu dia, well yeah dia ngancurin lagi semuanya, apa yang dia bilang ke gue, semuanya bohong. yak bohong, kenapa sih cowok suka bohong? apa supaya dimata cewek dia bisa dianggep baik, perhatian dan sebagainya? apa cuma mau cari perhatian doang? gue pribadi sih, lebih ngehargain cowok yang apa adanya dan gak tukang bohong.

gue capek pura-pura terus, dari gue ketemu masalah ini, yang gue lakuin cuma diem, gue nyimpen sendiri, kalo pun gue cerita ke orang, yang gue ceritain ya sebatas permasalahannya doang. gue gapernah ceritain apa yang gue rasain, nangis? engga. kenapa? karena gue pikir kalo gue nangis, berarti gue kalah, dan dalam masalah ini gue gak mau kalah. tapi ternyata gue salah, sebenernya gue cuma takut, gue terlalu takut buat nangis, gue takut kalo nangis berarti gue masih belom nerima kenyataan. dan ternyata ini yang paling nyakitin, gue bohongin diri gue sendiri. setelah ini gue mau coba buat ngelepas semuanya, gue bisa dan harus bisa, cause' around me life goes on. dan gue gamau stuck disini aja. gue harus terus

i know something today, but i dont know how to react. should i sad? or happy? or even dont care? i think i choose the last one.

In front of the person you LOVE, your heart beats faster
but in front of the person you LIKE,you get happy.
In front of the person you LOVE,winter seems like spring
but in front of the person you LIKE,winter is just beautiful winter.
If you look into the eyes of the one you LOVE, you blush
but if you look into the eyes you LIKE, you smile.
In front of the person you LOVE, you can’t say everything on your mind
but in front of the person you LIKE,you can even say wats on his mind
In front of the person you LOVE, you tend to get shy
but in front of the person you LIKE,you can show your ownself.
You can’t look straight into the eyes of the one you LOVE
but you can always smile into the eyes of the one you LIKE.
When the one you LOVE is crying, you cry with them
but when the one you LIKE is crying,you end up comforting.
The feeling of LOVE starts from the eye
but the feeling of LIKE starts from the ear.
So if you stop liking a person you used to LIKE
all you need to do is cover your ears
But if you try to close your eyes
LOVE turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever

- maaf yaa bahasa inggrisnya berantakan :)))

someday - Nina lyrics

Someday you'll gonna realize
One day you'll see through my eyes
But then i won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere
Even if i can't

I know
You dont really see my worth
You think your the last guy on earth
Well i've got news for you
I know i'm not that strong
But it won't take long
Won't take long

Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i want you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day i'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday

But now
I know you can't tell
I'm down,and i'm not down anyway
But one day these tears
They will all run dry
I won't have to cry
Sweet goodbye

Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i want you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day i'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday

oke gue ngaku, lagunya dalem

Better in time

Though i couldn't live without you it's gonna hurt when it heals too it'll all get better in time and even though i really LOVE YOU I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to it'll all get better in time


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