Tuesday, November 30, 2010

you know, i love youu :D

Helloooooo welcome back, hihi. hmm well actually i'm not sure about what i have to write in this post.
Just because i think it's been a while didn't write anything :p .
Okaaay i just want to tell that THIS WEEK AND MAYBE FOR THIS MONTH it will be my busiest month. hahahaha there's so many things to do, like doing my assignment, studying for daily test (i just have one test for this month, i guess...) and etc. aaaaaaaand cause of that, maybe i will be rarely to be online and post the blog. that's all, i'm tired.

Aku mohon, kembalikan aku pada saat itu
Pada saat aku belum merebut kebahagiaanya
Demi tuhan, aku menyesal… kembalikan aku pada saat itu, pada saat dia masih tersenyum lembut, pada saat dia masih merasakan arti kebahagiaanya
Aku menyesal… kembalikan kebahagiaannya yang telah aku hancurkan
I don’t want to cry
But my tears can’t stop
I don’t want to see you
But my eyes just looking for you


It’s YOU
However, I LOVE YOU

Sejauh apapun aku berlari
Kau disana
Tanpa langkah, kau mengikutiku
Aku segera mencoba menyadarkan diriku sepenuhnya.
Aku tertegun… tak bergeming… menatap kosong pandanganku saat ini.
Mencoba mengerti apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Di sana, bukan aku yang sekarang
It never crossed my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It is for the best
I know it is
But I see you

Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with her now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Memories suppose to fade
What's wrong with my heart
Shake it off let it go
Didn't think it would be this hard
Should be strong, moving on
But I see you

Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with her now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why
You're so hard to forget
Don't remind me
I'm not over it
Tell me why
I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Maybe I regret
Everything I said
No way to take it all back
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go
I'll never understand
I'll never understand
Ternyata emang gue ga bisa lepas.
Gue juga ga bisa maksa dia buat ninggalin gue sebnernya.....mungkin dia emang ga bisa kalo ga ada gue. yaudah gue hargain dia kok, lagian gue emang masih sayang banget sama dia. semoga aja dia bisa lebih ngerti gue sekarang.....
Ini buat lo, gue bersyukur kalo nanti lo bisa baca ini. biar lo tau maksudnya

gue itu bukan buat lo
gue pengen lo tinggalin dan lupain gue aja.
gue udah pikirin
gue rasa itu juga baik buat lo
gue tau gue ini ga baik buat lo
gue ini jahat kan ?
gue selalu marah-marah sama lo
gue cuma pengen lo bener-bener langsung berubah, karena ya lo tau gue bukan orang yang sabaran
gue pengen lo itu mulai duluan buat berubah, karena gue bakalan berubah kalo udah liat perubahan lo
gue gatau kenapa tetep aja kesel sama lo, ya mungkin lo udah ada perubahan tp mungkin gue terlalu ambisius buat bikin lo berubah
gue juga tau kok kalo gue emang ga pernah ngertiin lo kaya yang lo bilang ke gue, haha sekali lagi gue emang ga baik buat lo,
gue emang jahat
gue juga tau gue terlalu nuntut ini itu ya kan?
gue emang ga pernah ngertiin lo
gue gatau perasaan lo, dan gue juga ga pernah mikirin perasaan lo
gue juga tau, gue ini ga guna sampe-sampe gue ga bisa bikin lo berubah, sekali lagi
gue bukan orang yang baik buat lo
dan gue semakin yakin, mungkin gue sama lo ga cocok. kita sama-sama keras, gue sama lo sama-sama punya gengsi tinggi buat ngelakuin perubahan. ya ga? akuin aja deh, gue sih ngaku. gue juga sama lo bukannya saling nutupin kekurangan masing-masing tapi kayanya kebalikannya.mungkin kita emang ga separah itu, tapi cuma buat lo tau gue selalu mikirin-mikirin kenapa bisa kaya gini.gue udah ga bisa nyesel, nyesel emang ga ada guna.tapi gue juga harus kuat, gue harus tegas, dan gue harus bisa ngadepin kenyataan yang udah depan mata.
Inget, gue ga gampang buat NGELUPAIN LO kenangan lo sama guem
Sampe sekarang gue masih inget awal pertama gue sama lo gimana. dan gue juga sampe sekarang masih sayang banget sama lo. ini emang susah banget gue lupain. tapi mungkin gue harap suatu saat, gue sama lo bisa sama-sama lupa.

yaAllah, kenapa aku harus punya perasaan yang kaya gini?
yaAllah, kalo emang nanti aku sama dia bener-bener cuma temenan, aku harap Engkau ngasih dia kesadaran buat berubah..dan kalo apa yang selalu aku ingetin, aku bilangin ke dia itu buat kebaikan dia
yaAllah, aku cuma pengen yang terbaik buat dia, jagain dia yaAllah
yaAllah, aku titip dia, kalo dia kenapa-kenapa tolong ingetin dia. kasih tau dia
yaAllah, bisa ga Engkau kasih tau dia kalo aku itu sayang sama dia?
yaAllah, bisa ga Engkau bikin dia lupain aku?
yaAllah, bisa ga dia nanti bener-bener berubah?

From the deepest of my heart, i want you to know that "i'm still loving you forever and ever. even if you don't love me anymore. and it's hard for me to forget you....take care baby"

In, how are you ? hope you'll be fine...
Hey boy, i do love you so much. you are my everything,
Boy, you're stronger. even if you're in a big problem now, but it seems like you didn't get any problem. i know, it's hard for you to face the problem.
Boy, i know there are so many tears that you've remove. i've seen you when you're crying...
Boy, don't you know? i've cried for this problem so many times...it's hard for me to face the problem too..
Boy, we always together right? i don't want you to leave me..you're always with me right? whatever it's like.
Boy, i'll always be there for you okay..trust me :)
Boy, can we go through all of this?
i love you,

this is adapted from the video. read it, think about it, then you'll realize :)

Love is a feeling, only a feeling. but it's a special feeling, it's in the heart. you cannot explain it, but it makes you smile. love can feel like heaven, but it can hurt like hell. love is the key, that opens happiness. love is a butterfly, hold it too tight it will crush. hold it too lose, it will fly away... life is like a pen, you can cross something out but you can never erase it.


Take too many pictures, laugh too much, love truely. and forgive quickly, because... every 60 seconds you spend upset, is a minutes of happiness you can never get back. everyone is an angel with one wing, cannot fly without the other. as we grow up, we learn that one person that was never meant to ever let us down, probably will.. you'll get hurt more than once, and it's harder every time. you'll break hearts too, so remember how it feel when it was you. you'll fight with your best friend, and eventually lose the one you love. so find someone, that will kiss your forehead. hold your hand, in front of his friends. stay awake, just to watch you sleep. tells you, you look beautiful even when you just woke up. call you on mobile, just to tell you "i love you" . keeps reminding you that they care for you, and love you. choose someone that, will always be there for you. stays by your side, no matter what your going through. keeps his promises, and loves you the way you loves him. if someone was on your mind all the time, then your in love.

"never forget that everyone needs love, no matter who they are"

Okaay,mungkin ini cukup untuk mengungkapkan isi perasaan gue.
Intinya,gue sayang lo
Gue gamau kehilangan lo
Apalagi buat ngelupain lo
Gue sama sekali gamau
Walaupun temen-temen gue bilang kalau "KARMA ITU BERLAKU"
Tapi gue abaikan, why ?
Karena gue gamau ngebuang rasa ini
Mungkin butuh waktu buat ngerubah segalanya
Tapi,jangan telalu lama okee
Gue juga manusia,yang bisa tergoda akan suatu hal
Please,jangan nyesel di akhir
Kalau gue..lo gak akan bisa bersatu


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