i love fairy tales, especially the little mermaid. biasa nya orang-orang bilang kalo fairy tales itu cuman buat anak kecil. tp ternyata, sampe sekarang gue masih suka banget sm cerita-cerita princess itu..
kalo berkhayal tentang fairy tale, kita pasti ngebayangin kerajaan, putri, pangeran, raja, ratu, kuda, taman yang luaas, ibu tiri, ibu peri, atau binatang-binatang yg bisa ngomong. yes, it’s just a fantasy. not the reality.
kenyataan nya, hidup kita jauh dari yang nama nya ‘wish upon a star’ atau ‘true love’s kiss’. hal-hal indah ga segampang itu bisa kita dapetin. this world is cruel meeen, gue aja masih susah bedain orang baik sm orang jahat. huu
mm ada satu lagu yang bikin gue selalu berfikir positif tentang banyak hal d dunia ini, terutama tentang kegagalan. failure. this is the soundtrack of a movie called Meet the Robinsons. it’s about failure. we don’t have to be sad if we fail, because it’s okay. it’s not the end of the world. just be positive and do better. the song is Little Wonder by Rob Thomas. here is the lyric :
let it go,
let it roll right off your shoulder
don’t you know
the hardest part is over
let it in,
let your clarity define you
in the end
we will only just remember how it feels
our lives are made
in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away,
but these small hours,
these small hours still remain
let it slide,
let your troubles fall behind you
let it shine
until you feel it all around you
and i don’t mind
if it’s me you need to turn to
we’ll get by,
it’s the heart that really matters in the end
our lives are made
in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away,
but these small hours,
these small hours still remain
all of my regret
will wash away some how
but i can not forget
the way i feel right now
in these small hours
these little wonders
these twists & turns of fate
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away but these small hours
these small hours, still remain,
still remain
these little wonders
these twists & turns of fate
time falls away
but these small hours
these little wonders still remain
lirik nya baguuus banget menurut gue. that is how life works, baby. bakal ada masa nya kita bahagia, sedih, gagal, sukses… no worries kalo suatu saat kita gagal atau sedih, karna kita percaya there will come a time when everything turn around. tapi ga berarti kita bisa leha-leha dan cuman nungguin takdir berubah untuk kita. (kan tadi gue udah bilang, hidup bukan fairy tale)
rules dari nyokap gue : ngga ada orang yang berhasil tanpa kerja keras, mungkin ada tp itu sedikit banget
pertanyaan nya, are you the rules? or you are the exception?
pasti mereka-mereka yang pengecualian itu, beruntung banget yaa. tapi kalo d pikir-pikir, ngga ada gereget nya men tiba2 adakadabra tuing sukses gitu! seruan kalo pernah jatuh-bangun. biar lebih puassss hihihi
yang penting kan dari setiap kegagalan dan kesedihan itu kita ngambil pelajaran yang bisa bikin kita lebih baik lagi dan lagii ya kaaan? paling ngga enak nya sih emang karna harus dengerin orang-orang ngomel atau nasehatin macem-macem. yah just take it all lah.. mau diapain lagi
yang penting, dari semua hal buruk (yang baik juga) yang terjadi di hidup kita, kita bisa ngambil pelajaran.
by the way, gue agak bingung mau nulis apa hahaha.. jadi segini aja deh yaaa
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